
Journal of Constitutional Law is announcing call for papers

Journal of Constitutional Law is announcing call for papers for scholars, researchers and experts in the field of law.

The Journal of Constitutional Law is issued by the Constitutional Court of Georgia with support of Grigol Robakidze University. The Journal aims at engaging academic discussion around the constitutional law.

For Volume I, 2020 Journal is accepting works from persons holding Masters (LLM or MA) or PhD Degree or PhD level students. Works prepared by the students of Bachelors or Masters Degree level shall be reviewed only if they present novel approach on specially problematic issue, which shall be evidenced by relevant research method.

Authors submit proposed titles and around 100-word abstracts, with the short resume of the author(s) no later than February 15, 2020.

Authors selected through the first stage submit finalised articles no later than April 15.

Papers are submitted directly from the authors. Final decision regarding the publication of the paper(s) is made by the Editorial Board.