President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia participates in the 11th World Congress on Constitutional Law
On December 5-9, 2022 the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia Mr. Merab Turava together with the Head of the Secretariat of the Court Mr. Giorgi Lomtadze participated in the 11th World Congress on Constitutional Law. The event was co-organised by the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) and the University of Johannesburg in Johannesburg, the Republic of South Africa.
The World Congress on Constitutional Law represents a global platform to discuss significant issues in constitutional law, where the field specialists of the constitutional law, scholars, researchers and practicing lawyers from various jurisdictions can take part in the discussions and share experiences. The event is held once in every four years, which for the first time was held on the African continent in Johannesburg, gathering up to 600 delegates from the whole world.
The theme of the 11th Congress was “Constitutional Transformations”, in the frame of which thematic sessions were held on the following issues of actual importance: Sustainable Democracy and Contemporary Constitutional Governance; Constitutionalism in the Era of Private Power; the Environment, Climate Justice and the Rights of Nature Poverty; the Role of Social-Economic Rights in the Constitutional Transformations; Constitutional Accountability over the Future; Justice in-transition; Imposing the Constitutional Liability over Non-state Sector; Constitutionalism and Covid-19 Pandemic; Principle of Proportionality in the Constitutional Law; Rule of Law Principle in the Era of Digital Constitutionalism; Constitutional Status of the Internet Power, etc.
The World Congress was opened by the Chief Justice of South Africa, Raymond Zondo. The delegates visited Constitution Hill and the historical building of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of South Africa. As part of the visit, the judge delegates of the Congress held a face-to-face meeting with the Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, Steven Majiedt.
The delegation of the Constitutional Court of Georgia delivered a report in the respective thematic session of the Congress regarding the Georgian model of constitutional review and jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court.
In parallel to the Congress, the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia had introductory meetings with Justices from the bodies of the constitutional review of different counties, as well as the Professors of Constitutional Law from world leading universities.
At the end, the delegation of the Constitutional Court of Georgia visited the Embassy of Georgia in the Republic of South Africa, in Pretoria and met with the embassy diplomatic personnel.