
Summer School of the Constitutional Court of Georgia

On August 1, the Summer School of the Constitutional Court of Georgia “Constitutional and Human Rights Law” was completed, which was held with the financial support of EU4Justice Judiciary Support Project; EWMI/PROLoG - Promoting Rule of Law Program in Georgia funded by the USAID and in cooperation with Grigol Robakidze University.

Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia Mr. Teimuraz Tughushi and Chief of Party of USAID-funded EWMI/PROLoG - Promoting Rule of Law Program in Georgia Mr. Giorgi Chkheidze congratulated the students on successful accomplishment of the Summer School and awarded with the Certificates.

Among summer school participants the following three best students were distinguished: Iviko Khavtasi, Vasil Zhizhieshvili and Niko Dateshidze. It is noteworthy that the best participant of the Summer School will be able to start his/her professional activity through internship and further employment at the court.

During two weeks, the participants of the Summer School attended the lectures on various topical issues in the field of constitutional law, including the specificities of exercising constitutional control in the US and Europe, standards for limitation of human rights, as well as the issues of secret surveillance and personal data protection.