
Summer School on the “Freedom of Expression in the Case-Law of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, Common Courts of Georgia and Supreme Cour tof the USA” was opened

Today, a joint Summer School of the Constitutional Court of Georgia and the National Institute for Human Rights, Free University of Tbilisi “Freedom of Expression in the Case-Law of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, Common Courts of Georgia and Supreme Court of the USA” was opened at the Constitutional Court of Georgia.

At the opening, the participants of the Summer School and guests were addressed by the Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia Mr. Merab Turava and the Director of the National Institute for Human Rights of Free University of Tbilisi Ms. Natia Khantadze, as well as Professor of the Law School of Washburn University Mr. William (Bill) Rich, Judge of Tbilisi Court of Appeals, Professor of Tbilisi Free University Ms. Ketevan Meskhishvili and Associate Professor of Tbilisi Free University Mr. David Zedelashvili.

The Summer School will take place on September 10-14, in the frame of which the case law of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, Supreme Court of Georgia and Tbilisi Court of Appeals in relation to freedom of expression will be discussed, alongside the comparative analysis of the relevant US Supreme Court case-law . The lectures will be delivered by Professor of the Law School of Washburn University Mr. William (Bill) Rich, Associate Professor of Free University of Tbilisi Mr. David Zedelashvili, Judge of Tbilisi Court of Appeals, Professor of Tbilisi Free University Ms. Ketevan Meskhishvili, the Director of National Institute for Human Rights of Free University of Tbilisi Ms. Natia Khantadze and other invited lecturers.

Summer School is held in the frame of the program of USAID-PROLoG - Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia. The School is also supported by GIZ program “Legal Approximation towards European Standards in the South Caucasus” and Open Society Georgia Foundation