Event dedicated to 101st Anniversary of the 1921 Constitutional of Georgia held at the Presidential Palace of Georgia
President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia Merab Turava and the members of the Court participated in the event dedicated to 101st Anniversary of the 1921 Constitution of Georgia held at the Presidential Palace.
ContinueVisit of the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia to Germany
On February 7, 2022 the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia paid an official working visit at the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany in Karlsruhe. In the frame of the visit Prof. Dr. Merab Turava hold a meeting with the President of Federal Constitutional Court of Germany Pro...
ContinueInformation on the Constitutional Complaint N1673
The Constitutional Court of Georgia, in view of an increased public interest, considers it necessary to share the information on the case “Londa Toloraia v. the Parliament of Georgia” (Constitutional Complaint N1673).
ContinueMeeting with the representatives of the USAID Rule of Law Program (ROLP)
The President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia Prof. Dr. Merab Turava met with the representatives of the USAID Rule of Law Program (USAID/ROLP).
ContinueMerry Christmas and Happy new year!
We wish you good health, success and happiness!