Meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice
Meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice
On April 24-25, 2023, George Lomtadze, head of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, participated in the 20th meeting of the Joint Council of Constitutional Justice (JCCJ), which was co-organized by the Secretariat of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria in Sofia.
The Secretariat of the Venice Commission informed the members of the Council about the current and planned activities of the Venice Commission in the direction of constitutional justice. Within the framework of the event, a conference was also held on the topic: „Measures taken by States in response to the COVID-19 crisis and their impact on constitutional justice – constitutional case-law on emergency situations“.
The Joint Council of Constitutional Justice brings together members of the Venice Commission and liaison officers appointed by participating constitutional courts (and equivalent institutions) with the aim of facilitating cooperation between the constitutional courts and the Venice Commission. The Council usually meets once a year, at the invitation of one of the member courts.