JUSTICEBorn on 21 October, 1972 in Tbilisi.
Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (1994), with specialty of Law and Post-Graduate Studies in Constitutional Law (1997).
During 1993-1999 occupied various positions at the Apparatus of the Parliament of Georgia, being a leading specialist of the Parliament Apparatus, Head of Faction Apparatus and a leading specialist of the Legal Issues Committee.
In 1998 defended a Dissertation Thesis and was granted with Ph.D in Law.
During 2000-2003 was a Head of the Legal Service at the Georgian National Communications Commission (2000-2003).
During 2004-2006 was an assistant to the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia; in 2006-2007 was a Head of the Department of Research and Legal Provision at the Constitutional Court of Georgia.
During 2005-2007 participated in qualification-raising programs at European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg) and European Public Law Center (Athens).
During 2009-2012 was an advisor of the Journal of the Constitutional Court of Georgia “Constitutional Law Review”.
During 2009-2010 was a member of State Constitutional Commission of Georgia and head of the working group on the Issues of Executive Government.
During 2009-2012 was a Head of Experts’ Working Group for authorization and accreditation of higher educational institutions at the LEPL “National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement”.
During 2010-2012 participated in Scientific Grant Projects by UNDP and GIZ (2010-2012).
During 2005-2008 delivered lectures at Caucasus Schools of Law and in 2009-2012 at the High School of Justice.
During 2009-1014 was a member of the Representative Board of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; In 2011-2014 was a Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
During 2014-2016 was a Secretary of the State Constitutional Commission of Georgia.
During 2014-2016 hold a position of Parliamentary Secretary of the President of Georgia.
In 2016 (May-September) was a Head of the Legal Issues Department at the Georgian National Communications Commission.
On September 12, 2016 was appointed as the member of the Constitutional Court of Georgia with the Decree N 231 issued by the President of Georgia. He started to exercise the authority of the Judge on October 2, 2016 from the day of oath-taking.
Since 1996 he has been leading scientific-pedagogical activity at the Faculty of Law at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, having a PhD in Law, being Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law and a member of Dissertation Board. Delivers academic courses for Bachelor and Master Students in Constitutional (State Organization) Law; Deepening of Constitutional Law, Georgian Constitutionalism; Constitutional Justice; Moot Courts in Constitutional Justice.
Has published up to 30 scientific papers in Constitutional Law and Constitutional Justice. Participant and presenter at more than 50 international as well as regional and local scientific conferences. Editor and reviewer of a number of scientific papers; Scientific supervisor and reviewer of up to 10 dissertation works.
Has a good command of French and Russian Languages.
Has a spouse and two children.