Ethics Standards
Issues of Copyright:
Contributors grant an exclusive license to the Journal, which also includes the right to reproduce in both paper and electronic format, translation, visual reproduction. Contributors retain the right to the material reworked form in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication and is notified in writing and in advance.
Non-material rights to the works remain with the author;
Prior to publishing author is obligated to approve the grant of exclusive rights, for which he/she may be requested to make relevant statement or sign relevant license.
Access to the works:
Works are published under - creative commons License, specifically Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 2.0 License, which entails the right to use for any purposes with the condition of attribution;
The issue of creative commons license is indicated in the Journal both in print and electronically. Following visual note is also made in the Journal:
and the availability of detailed license conditions are also indicated on the following url:
Pursuant to CC BY 2.0 License, any person is allowed to share, distribute, reproduce Journal or its part, including for commercial purposes, in which instance it is obligatory to fully indicate the source and relevant link and indicate if changes were made and what the changes were. CC BY 2.0 License does not entail distribution of author's’ personal, non-material rights.
Ethics and Compliance:
Journal recognises and aspires to the ethics rules. Journal shall ensure exclusion of conflict of interest during editing process. In case the conflict of interest may arise between the author and the editor(s), both are entitled to declare potential conflict, the Editorial Board shall make the final decision;
Authors are required to respect the rules of ethics, which envisages proper referencing, correct usage of sources, exclusion of falsification and fabrication, proper indication of contributions, respect to personal data and other issues;
Journal welcomes and promotes discussions regarding the papers in academic or social media. It is possible to provide feedback to the Journal through the e-mail: Authors are entitled to request the Journal to correct discrepancies in the published paper, which is indicated in the next publication and on the web-page;
In the event a misconduct is detected in the paper(s) published in the Journal, any person is entitled to notify the Editor of the Journal or the Board of Editors (through the e-mail: and request investigation and relevant reaction. The address should include the details regarding the misconduct (author(s), title, details of misconduct, argumentation). Editor is obligated to consider such address within reasonable time and respond to the allegation. The author(s) are notified regarding the allegation and are given possibility to provide their own explanation. In the event an allegation is found to be true, the Board of Editors decides on the reaction;
Editor is entitled to react on the allegations of misconduct in the event the allegation is made on the social media or other sources the same way he/she would in the event of allegation sent through the e-mail;
Journal is entitled to consider retracting the paper, correcting he paper or issuing an expression of concern, in case of discrepencies. Each of these reactions are used based on the magnitude of discrepency or misconduct and the Board of Editors makes the decision. Following print publication shall reflect the relevant decision with argumentation, while the web-page of relevant paper shall include such information in online publication.