Journal Charter



  1. General Terms

a) Legal Journal of the Constitutional Court of Georgia (hereinafter Journal) is a periodic international refereed and peer-reviewed issue, aimed at supporting in-depth academic discussions on constitutional law;
b) The name of the Journal is “საკონსტიტუციო სამართლის ჟურნალი”, in English “Journal of Constitutional Law”;
c) Journal has International Standard Serial Number for Periodic Editions for English Issue: ISSN-2587-5329 and for Georgia Issue: ISSN-2587-5337. The following International Standard Serial Numbers for Periodic Editions were used for the previous editions, specifically: ISSN-1987-9962 (Constitutional Law Review, Georgian and English Issues), ISSN-1987-9954 (Constitutional Law Review, English Issues) and ISSN-1987-8540 (Constitutional Law Review, Bilingual Editions);
d) Journal is issued no less than twice a year in Georgian and in English languages.


  1. Governance of the Journal

a) The work of the Journal is organized by the Editor of the Journal (hereinafter: Editor);
b) Editor is responsible for the academic quality and content of the Journal;
c) Recommendatory governing body of the Journal is the Editorial Board;
d) The Journal is governed in accordance to the principles established within the documents approved by the Editorial Board pursuant to article 3 of this Regulation.”

  1. Editorial Board of the Journal

a) Editorial Board is comprised of no less than 5 members, Editor is a member of the Board;
b) The Chair of the Board is the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia;
c) Other members of the Board are appointed by the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia;
d) A representative of a partner University or Organization of the Court is a member of the Board (in case a relevant cooperation memorandum provides so);
e) A member of the Board can also be - a Judge of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, a distinguished specialist acting in the field of law;
f) Members of the Board, with the exception of the Editor and the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, are elected for a 3 year term, re-appointment of the Board member is not limited;
g) The Board is entitled to:

(1) Approve Editorial Policy of the Journal per proposal of the Editor;
(2) Approve the academic standards of the articles per proposal of the Editor;
(3) Select one or several subjects for the issue of the Journal per proposal of the Editor or other member of the Board;
(4) Approve selection criteria for the articles to be published in the Journal per proposal of the Editor or other member of the Board.

h) The Board is in session at least twice a year, Members can use electronic means for involvement in the work of the Board;
i) The Board makes decision by the majority of the members present;
j) Other issues related to the activities of the Board are regulated by the Board.

  1. The Advisory Board of the Journal

a) Advisory Board of the Journal is a recommending body, which support the Journal in perfecting its issues and increasing overall reputation on a voluntary basis;
b) The President of the Court with own initiative or by the proposal of the Editor approves the composition of Advisory Board;
c) The members of the Advisory Board are entitled to get acquainted with the thematic of the issue or the articles selected for publishing, provide their visions, comments and recommendations which are handed to the Editor and/or the author;
d) The member of the Advisory Board is entitled to provide the Editor with an article in conformity with the general concept of the Journal for publishing. Such articles are published with honorary status.

  1. Copyright of the articles published in the Journal

a) Contributors grant an exclusive license to the Journal, which also includes the right to reproduce in both paper and electronic format, translation, visual reproduction. Contributors retain the right to the material reworked form in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication and is notified in writing and in advance.
b) Works or any other material published in the Journal is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 2.0 License, which entails the right to use for any purposes with the condition of attribution. This is indicated in the Journal both in print and electronically. Following visual note is also made in the Journal:   and the availability of detailed license conditions are also indicated on the following url: Pursuant to CC BY 2.0 License, any person is allowed to share, distribute, reproduce Journal or its part, including for commercial purposes, in which instance it is obligatory to fully indicate the source and relevant link and indicate if changes were made and what the changes were. CC BY 2.0 License does not entail distribution of author's’ personal, non-material rights.