A special edition of the Journal of Constitutional Law published

A special edition of the Journal of Constitutional Law published

The Constitutional Court of Georgia published a special edition of the Journal of Constitutional Law dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the First Constitution of Georgia. The publication combines academic papers by both Georgian and foreign authors. It is gratifying that the Journal presents the work of Rainer Arnold, a well-known European constitutionalist and Professor at the University of Regensburg, who analyses the normative-value foundations of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, its goals and objectives in the light of modern constitutionalism in his paper.

The Journal also includes the works of Georgian scholars on many issues essentially related to the First Constitution of Georgia, namely, to: understanding the values declared by the 1921 Constitution of Georgia through the prism of the United States Constitutionalism; analysis of the basic principles – the national independence and individual freedom – that the 1921 Constitution was based on; analyzing some of the myths associated with the adoption and substance of the First Constitution; thorough analysis of the state organisation model provided by the 1921 Constitution and its evaluation from the theoretical framework of the direct democracy; analysis of the factors that establish the Democratic Republic as permanent and unamendable norm of the Constitution; analysis of the case-law of the Constitutional Court of Georgia concerning social rights in the light of international tendencies established in the theory and practice of social rights; understanding the scope of the constitutional right to academic freedom in the light of the analysis of the legislation and jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany, the United States and Georgia; the constitutional right to life in the context of climate change. And finally, the assessment of the provision of the rights catalogue in the First Constitution – according to which the rights specified in the Constitution are not exhaustive - in the light of the current Constitution of Georgia.

The Journal of Constitutional Law is issued in Georgian and English languages by the Constitutional Court of Georgia with support of Grigol Robakidze University. The Journal aims at engaging academic discussion around the constitutional law.

The journal is already available in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and indexed in the ERIH PLUS of Humanities and Social Sciences, which is a recognition of the Journal standards, open policy and ethical criteria

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