Another issue of Journal of Constitutional Law has published

Another issue of Journal of Constitutional Law has published

The Constitutional Court of Georgia has published another issue of Journal of Constitutional Law, which offers interesting and topical articles by both Georgian and foreign authors.

Georgian readers have a possibility to get introduced with an article of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (1993 - 2020) and Professor Deborah Jone Merritt, first published in 1999 with respect to affirmative action and its international legal grounds, as well as interesting practice on the equality between men and women in the USA, India and the European Union. Currently, this topic is particularly relevant to the Georgian context, given that the country has implemented one of the strongest and arguably the most controversial affirmative actions – mechanism of quotas for ensuring political representation. The article provides an overview of practice regarding affirmative action aiming to eliminate gender-based discrimination, as well as discrimination on some other grounds.

The second volume of the journal 2020 also offers an article of Professor Cass R. Sunstein that address a fundamental problem of social significance and discuss why and when does people outrage grow. Following the social protests in the United States in recent years, the article assesses the power of people who begin to undermine established norms and the importance of public attitude in the success of the fight for minority rights.

Morover, current edition brings together the works of Georgian scholars on important legal issues. In particular, given the regional context, it is relevant, on the one hand to consider the issue of the jurisdiction of the ECtHR in relation to applications alleging human rights violations occurred during an armed conflict and, on the other hand, to review the jurisprudence of Inter-American human rights bodies in applying international humanitarian law (IHL). The current volume also covers the studies on constitutional-legal clauses regarding economic competition, freedom of enterprise and consumers’ rights, the importance of the power of information in the process of managing the pandemic and the restriction of the freedom of expression.

In the Volume 2, 2020 the Journal of Constitutional Law also published two short summaries of the notable recent judgments adopted by the Constitutional Court of Georgia.

The Journal of Constitutional Law is issued in Georgian and English languages by the Constitutional Court of Georgia with support of Grigol Robakidze University. The Journal aims at engaging academic discussion around the constitutional law.

The Journal is an international refereed (peer-reviewed). It is in the list of Ulirchsweb peer-reviewed periodicals, the papers published in the Journal are also placed on the HeinOnline and can be accessed by scholars and students from over 150 countries. Journal of Constitutional Law is indexed in ERIH PLUS and is available on DOAJ.