Information of the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia on Constitutional Justice of 2019

Information of the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia on Constitutional Justice of 2019

Today, the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia submiteed information on Constitutional Justice in Georgia to the President of Georgia, the Parliament of Georgia and the Supreme Court of Georgia. The present document provides a summary of the activities of the Constitutional Court throughout the year 2019 including landmark acts adopted by the Court, statistical overview of the constitutional adjudication, as well as the activities implemented in Public communication, Educational and International relations directions.

Under Article 12 (2) of the Organic Law of Georgia “On the Constitutional Court”, the President of the Constitutional Court shall, once a year, submit information on constitutional legality in Georgia to the President of Georgia, the Parliament of Georgia and the Supreme Court of Georgia.

The Constitutional Court established an important standards by the case law of 2019 in relation to a number of constitutional rights. In particular, separate aspects of freedom of enterprise and free competition, the right to appeal, the right to private and family life of persons serving a sentence and public access to the acts of the court. Also, the Court established important standards with respect to freedom of expression in the context of spontaneous protest and formal requirements of the freedom of expression as well as delegation of the freedom of expression.

In 2019, within the framework of the project undertaken with the financial support of the EU, the Constitutional Court renewed its website, which started operation in a pilot regime. A principal novelty of the website is in the search system for acts of the Court and other documents related to constitutional proceedings. The system unified documents processed within the frame of constitutional proceedings and classifiers thereof. Within the framework of the same project, an electronic system for constitutional proceedings has been created, which enables electronic processing of case materials and systematization thereof.