Information on the Constitutional Complaint N1673

Information on the Constitutional Complaint N1673

The Constitutional Court of Georgia, in view of an increased public interest, considers it necessary to share the information on the case “Londa Toloraia v. the Parliament of Georgia” (Constitutional Complaint N1673).

The Complainant addressed the Court on January 28, 2022. After finalizing registration procedure of the constitutional complaint, the case was assigned to the First Board of the Constitutional Court of Georgia in accordance with the legislation, the rules of the order of distribution of the cases among the Boards. In pursuant with the rule set with the Regulation of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, Mr. Vasil Roinishvili was appointed as the Judge-Rapporteur on the Constitutional Complaint N1673.

After the completion of the preparatory stage for the consideration of the case, the Constitutional Court disseminates information on the case hearing of the constitutional complaint No.1673 and / or the implementation of other proceedings on the case.