Mr. Zaza Tavadze paid a working visit to Moldova

Mr. Zaza Tavadze paid a working visit to Moldova

The President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia Mr. Zaza Tavadze and Chief Advisor of the Department of Research and Legal Provision Mr. Giorgi Sulkhanishvili paid a working visit to the Republic of Moldova, where they participated in the events dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova.

In the frame of the visit, the delegation of the Constitutional Court of Georgia attended an International Conference - “Constitutional Justice and the society’s reaction: when the solutions of the Constitutional Courts are in disagreement with the majority opinion of the society”. The President of the Venice Commission, the Presidents of the European Constitutional Courts and the representatives of the academia also took part in the event.

Mr. Zaza Tavadze hold a meeting with the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova Mr. Vladimir Turchan in the format of the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions (BBCJ). The meeting was also attended by the President of the Constitutional Court of Lietuva Mr. Dainius Žalimas. The parties discussed an already-existing close cooperation between the Constitutional Courts and the possibility of its development.

Mr. Zaza Tavadze hold a face to face meeting with the President of the Venice Commission Mr. Gianni Buquicchio. The parties also discussed an existing fruitful relations between the Constitutional Court of Georgia and the Venice Commission.

Visit took place on February 19-20, 2020.