Presentation of the Report on Constitutional Justice in Georgia of 2020
Presentation of the Report on Constitutional Justice in Georgia of 2020
On July 2, 2021 a working meeting participating by the representatives of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, Administration of the President of Georgia, members and apparatus of the Parliament of Georgia, Public Defender’s Office of Georgia, Non-Governmental, International Donor Organizations and academia was held in Batumi.
In the frame of the meeting, presentation of the Report on Constitutional Justice in Georgia of 2020 was held. Under Article 12 (2) of the Organic Law of Georgia “On the Constitutional Court”, the President of the Constitutional Court shall, once a year, submit information on constitutional legality in Georgia to the President of Georgia, the Parliament of Georgia and the Supreme Court of Georgia. The present document provides a summary of the activities of the Constitutional Court throughout the year 2020: it includes landmark acts adopted by the Court, statistical overview of the constitutional adjudication, as well as the activities implemented in Public communication, Educational and International relations directions.
Furthermore, participants of the working meeting discussed the study on “Identifying Gaps in the CCGs Legislative Framework” prepared by the civil society. At the end of the meeting a discussion was held among the participants.
Based on the amendments to the Regulation of the Constitutional Court in 2020, the Court ensured holding of remote/online court hearings. It is noteworthy that the remote/online hearings are broadcast live publicly via the Constitutional Court's YouTube channel. Remote/online hearings are available to everyone both during and after the session.