Special Issue of the Journal of Constitutional Law Published

Special Issue of the Journal of Constitutional Law Published

The Constitutional Court of Georgia has published a special issue of its academic publication – “Journal of Constitutional Law”, which is dedicated constitutional regulation of emergency regime and the protection of human rights. In times of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that engendered the need for crisis governance, the subject matter of the present publication becomes increasingly pertinent.

The special issue brings together the works of internationally acclaimed scholars, which has been made available in Georgian exclusively by the Journal of Constitutional Law. In particular, Georgian readership is can access authoritative and highly-cited works of foreign scholars – Bruce Ackerman, Eric A. Posner and Clarisa Long – on the regulation of emergency in the United States of America, and also, on the protection of private information during the pandemic. The article by Professor Bruce Ackerman, which discusses the accordance of power to the executive in the aftermath of 9/11 terrorist attacks from the constitutional perspective, is one of the most authoritative contributions about the emergency governance. He authors the second piece where he presents an opinion on what may be done to balance the executive power during the emergency. The article by Professor Eric A. Posner considers the doctrine of deference to the executive authority and its scope in the United States of America. The newly published article by Professor Clarisa Long about the collection of private information by the states during the COVID-19 pandemic is equally interesting and relevant.

In addition, the publication presents articles of young Georgian researchers on important legal topics, such as, the lawmaking procedure during the emergency, the protection of the right to property during the pandemic, the threats emanating from the emergency regime, and the functioning of the parliament during the emergency.

The Journal of Constitutional Law is published in Georgian and English languages in the framework of cooperation between the Constitutional Court of Georgia and Grigol Robakidze University. The Journal is part of several international libraries and databases; it is on the list of Ulrichsweb's international peer-reviewed and refereed periodicals, while the articles published in the Journal are also available in the international library of Heinonline.

The special issue of the Journal is available in English here.