Summer School on the “Freedom of Expression in the Case-Law of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, Common Courts of Georgia and Supreme Court of the USA” Completed

Summer School on the “Freedom of Expression in the Case-Law of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, Common Courts of Georgia and Supreme Court of the USA” Completed

The participants and guests of the Summer School were greeted by the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia Mr. Zaza Tavadze, Vice-President Mr. Merab Turava and the Director of National Institute for Human Rights of Free University of Tbilisi Ms. Natia Khantadze, as well as Professor of the Law School of Washburn University Mr. William (Bill) Rich and Legal Education Program Leader of the USAID-PROLoG - Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Ms. Nino Balanchivadze.

Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, Tbilisi Court of Appeals and the Supreme of Court of Georgia with respect to freedom of expression was discussed within the scope of the summer school, alongside the comparative analysis of the relevant US Supreme Court case-law. Lectures were given by – Bill Rich, Professor of Law at the University of Washburn, Davit Zedelashvili – Associate Professor at the Free University of Tbilisi, – Keti Meskhishvili – Judge of the Tbilisi Court of Appeals, Professor of the Free University of Tbilisi, Natia Khantadze – Director of the National Institute for Human Rights and Deputy Head of the Department of Legal Provision and Research at the Constitutional Court of Georgia Mr. Levan Maisuradze. A moot court was held in the frame of the school.

The summer school was held with the financial support of USAID-funded program – “Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia” (USAID/PROLoG). The summer school was also supported by the GIZ programme of Legal Approximation towards European Standards in the South Caucasus as well as the Open Society Foundation.