The Term of Office of the Member of the Constitutional Court of Georgia Maia Kopaleishvili expired.

The Term of Office of the Member of the Constitutional Court of Georgia Maia Kopaleishvili expired.

On December 4, an event dedicated to the expiration of the term of office of the Justice Maia Kopaleishvili took place at the premises of the Constitutional Court of Georgia which was attended by the members and apparatus of the Constitutional Court as well as invited guests.

Maia Kopaleishvili was appointed the member of the Constitutional Court of Georgia by the Supreme Court of Georgia on October 30, 2009. She started to exercise the authority of the Judge on December 5, 2009, from the day of oath-taking. Maia Kopaleishvili took part in several hundred Court hearings. She has also been actively involved in various educational projects implemented by the Constitutional Court in relation with moot court competition as well as delivering lectures.

Since 2005 she has been Full Professor of Law Faculty of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in specialty of Administrative Law. Maia Kopaleishvili is the author of 10 articles and researches and the coauthor of the manuals in Administrative Law.