Instructions and Requirements
Following types of Articles can be published in the Journal:
Requirements for the Articles in English are following:
1. An Academic Paper should fulfill the following criteria:
1.1. An Academic paper is a work written based on a methodology of research, where academic writing standards are followed;
1.2. The size of the paper shall be:
1.2.1. in English: no less than 9000 words, no more than 12000 words (including footnotes);
1.2.2. in Georgian: no less than 7000 words, no more than 10000 words (including footnotes);
1.3. an academic paper shall have a defined methodology and should consistently follow it;
1.4. paper should have logical structure, set out titles;
1.5. an author of academic paper may be requested to provide a peer-review from a person holding academic title (PhD or PhD candidate);
1.6. Formatting rules for the paper:
1.6.1 font - Sylfaen (English papers can also use Times New Roman), paper should be in UTF-8 unicode;
1.6.2. font size - in Georgian - 11, in English - 12. While publishing the Journal retains the right to amend the font size;
1.6.3. titles - set out using Headings system, with different font. Each title should have respective level. Formatting of the titles will be set by the Editor (visual editing);
1.6.4. footnotes - same font as the main paper, size - decreased by 2.
2. An Article should fulfill the following criteria:
2.1. An Article is a work written based on a methodology of research, where academic writing standards are followed;
2.2. The size of an Article shall be:
2.2.1in English: no less than 4000 words, no more than 7000 words (including footnotes);
2.2.2. in Georgian: no less than 3000 words, no more than 5000 words (including footnotes);
2.3. an article shall have a defined methodology and should consistently follow it;
2.4. an article should have logical structure, set out titles;
2.5. an author of an article may be requested to provide a peer-review from a person holding academic title (PhD or PhD candidate);
2.6. Formatting rules for the work:
2.6.1. font - Sylfaen (English papers can also use Times New Roman), paper should be in UTF-8 unicode;
2.6.2. font size - in Georgian - 11, in English - 12. While publishing the Journal retains the right to amend the font size;
2.6.3. titles - set out using Headings system, with different font. Each title should have respective level. Formatting of the titles will be set by the Editor (visual editing);
2.6.4. footnotes - same font as the main paper, size - decreased by 2.
3. A Student Paper should fulfill the following criteria:
3.1. A Student Paper is a work written based on a methodology of research or without it, where where academic writing standards are followed, author of such paper can be a student at any level of higher education;
3.2. The size of a student paper shall be:
3.2.1. in English: no less than 3000 words, no more than 5000 words (including footnotes);
3.2.2. in Georgian: no less than 2500 words, no more than 4000 words (including footnotes);
3.3. a paper based on a methodology, which was consistently followed, shall have a priority;
3.4. a student paper should have logical structure, set out titles;
3.5. an author of such paper may be requested to provide a peer-review from either a person holding academic title (PhD or PhD candidate) or from a supervisor of the paper (professor, associate professor, assistant professor or an invited specialist);
3.6. Formatting rules for the paper:
3.6.1. font - Sylfaen (English papers can also use Times New Roman), paper should be in UTF-8 unicode;
3.6.2. font size - in Georgian - 11, in English - 12. While publishing the Journal retains the right to amend the font size;
3.6.3. titles - set out using Headings system, with different font. Each title should have respective level. Formatting of the titles will be set by the Editor (visual editing);
3.6.4. footnotes - same font as the main paper, size - decreased by 2.
4. A Case Review should fulfill the following criteria:
4.1. A case review is made around the judgment of the Constitutional Court of Georgia or of other court(s), which could have significance over the constitutional law;
4.2. The size of a case review shall be:
4.2.1. in English: no less than 1000 words, no more than 1500 words (including footnotes);
4.2.2. in Georgian: no less than 700 words, no more than 1200 words (including footnotes);
4.3. a case review shall deliver the short content of the case and the position of the author, how the constitutional law was affected by the case;
4.4. a case review should have logical structure, set out titles;
4.5. Formatting rules for the review:
4.5.1. font - Sylfaen (English papers can also use Times New Roman), paper should be in UTF-8 unicode;
4.5.2. font size - in Georgian - 11, in English - 12. While publishing the Journal retains the right to amend the font size;
4.5.3. titles - set out using Headings system, with different font. Each title should have respective level. Formatting of the titles will be set by the Editor (visual editing);
4.5.4. footnotes - same font as the main paper, size - decreased by 2.
5. A Book Review should fulfill the following criteria:
5.1. A book review shall provide a review structure of a significant literature (book, scientific work), its short summary and its importance for the constitutional law;
5.2. The size of a book review shall be:
5.2.1. in English: no more than 1000 words (including footnotes);
5.2.2. in Georgian: no more than 700 words (including footnotes);
5.3. a book review should have logical structure, set out titles;
5.4. Formatting rules for the review:
5.4.1. font - Sylfaen (English papers can also use Times New Roman), paper should be in UTF-8 unicode;
5.4.2. font size - in Georgian - 11, in English - 12. While publishing the Journal retains the right to amend the font size;
5.4.3. titles - set out using Headings system, with different font. Each title should have respective level. Formatting of the titles will be set by the Editor (visual editing);
5.4.4. footnotes - same font as the main paper, size - decreased by 2.
6. A Case Note (of a judgment/decision of the Constitutional Court of Georgia) should fulfill the following criteria:
6.1. A case note is not a scholarly work, it provides short version of the judgment of the court, it does not contain the analysis or assessment of the case, note is an informative article;
6.2. a case not is prepared by the Constitutional Court of Georgia;The size of a case note shall be:
6.2.1. in English: no more than 1500 words (including footnotes);
6.2.2. in Georgian: no more than 1000 words (including footnotes);
6.3. a case note should have logical structure, set out titles;
6.4. Formatting rules for the note:
6.4.1. font - Sylfaen (English papers can also use Times New Roman), paper should be in UTF-8 unicode;
6.4.2. font size - in Georgian - 11, in English - 12. While publishing the Journal retains the right to amend the font size;
6.4.3. titles - set out using Headings system, with different font. Each title should have respective level. Formatting of the titles will be set by the Editor (visual editing);
6.4.4. footnotes - same font as the main paper, size - decreased by 2.
Rules for indicating sources and quotation are given in the Editorial Policy of the Journal [1] .
All types of works will be edited visually, fonts, font colours, page margins, line spacing, paragraph spacing and other formatting issues may change.
All papers submitted to the Journal should be in English or Georgian languages.
Contributors are not requested any fee for publishing the papers in the Journal of Constitutional Law, this includes article processing charges (APCs), article submission charges, as well as editing, reviewing, translating, formatting, printing or other costs.